Results for 'Saree S. Makdisi'

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  1.  90
    The Empire Renarrated: "Season of Migration to the North" and the Reinvention of the Present.Saree S. Makdisi - 1992 - Critical Inquiry 18 (4):804-820.
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    IResponse to Saree Makdisi's “The Architecture of Erasure”.Frank Gehry - 2010 - Critical Inquiry 36 (3):560-562.
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    IIIResponse to Saree Makdisi's “The Architecture of Erasure”.Jeremy Gilbert-Rolfe - 2010 - Critical Inquiry 36 (3):595-600.
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    The architecture of erasure.Saree Makdisi - 2010 - Critical Inquiry 36 (3):519-559.
  5.  44
    Apartheid / Apartheid / [ ].Saree Makdisi - 2018 - Critical Inquiry 44 (2):304-330.
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  6. Laying Claim to Beirut: Urban Narrative and Spatial Identity in the Age of Solidere.Saree Makdisi - 1997 - Critical Inquiry 23 (3):661-705.
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    VLetter to the Editors.Saree Makdisi - 2010 - Critical Inquiry 36 (3):609-618.
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    Identities.Anthony Appiah & Henry Louis Gates (eds.) - 1995 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    The study of identity crosses all disciplinary borders to address such issues as the multiple interactions of race, class, and gender in feminist, lesbian, and gay studies, postcolonialism and globalization, and the interrelation of nationalism and ethnicity in ethnic and area studies. Identities will help disrupt the cliche-ridden discourse of identity by exploring the formation of identities and problem of subjectivity. Leading scholars in literary criticism, anthropology, sociology, and philosophy explore such topics as "Gypsies" in the Western imagination, the mobilization (...)
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  9. 10. Said, Palestine, and the Humanism of Liberation Said, Palestine, and the Humanism of Liberation (pp. 443-461).Saree Makdisi, W. J. T. Mitchell, Aamir R. Mufti, Roger Owen, Gyan Prakash, Dan Rabinowitz, Jacqueline Rose, Gayatri Spivak & Daniel Barenboim - 2005 - Critical Inquiry 31 (2):526-529.
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  10. Said, Palestine, and the Humanism of Liberation.Saree Makdisi - 2005 - Critical Inquiry 31 (2):443.
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    Romantisme et multitudes.Michael Hardt & Saree Makdisi - 2013 - Multitudes 55 (4):62.
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    The omnitemporality of idealities.James Sares - 2024 - Continental Philosophy Review 57 (1):113–134.
    This article develops an interpretation and defense of Husserl’s account of the omnitemporality of idealities. I first examine why Husserl rejects the atemporality and temporal individuation of idealities on phenomenological grounds, specifically that these attributions prove countersensical in how they relate idealities to consciousness. As an alternative to these conceptions, I develop a two-sided interpretation of omnitemporality expressed in modal terms of actuality and possibility, the actual referring to appearances in time and the possible, to reactivation at any time. In (...)
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  13.  19
    Introduction: Irigaray and the Question of Sexual Difference.James Sares & Mary C. Rawlinson - 2023 - In Mary C. Rawlinson & James Sares (eds.), What Is Sexual Difference?: Thinking with Irigaray. New York: Columbia University Press. pp. 1-14.
    In this introduction, we consider how this volume demonstrates not only that the question of sexual difference can be asked with Irigaray but that her project necessitates engaging the question if we are to take seriously her diagnosis of sexual difference as “one of the major philosophical issues, if not the issue, of our age.” We consider how Irigaray's questioning of sexual difference implicates a dialectic of natural and cultural determinations, challenging reductive and essentialist readings of her project. In the (...)
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  14.  28
    The Protection of Embryonic Life in the European Council’s Convention on Biomedicine.June Mary Zekan Makdisi - 2007 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 7 (1):31-39.
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    The Schizoanalysis of Sex: Toward a Deleuzian-Guattarian Sexual Ontology.James Sares - 2020 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 10 (1):47-70.
    Deleuze and Guattari’s schizoanalytic project has been understood to be antithetical, or at best indifferent, to any project of sexual ontology. Against these dominant views, I argue for an interpretation of the schizoanalytic project that does justice to the differentiation of beings—particularly the human being—according to distinct forms of sexuate morphology. I claim that, although it is largely absent in Deleuze and Guattari’s writings, we can read this kind of determinate sexual difference into their project at both the organic stratum (...)
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  16.  29
    Application of the Principle of Totality and Integrity in American Case Law.June Mary Z. Makdisi - 2012 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 12 (1):43-54.
    God presented each of us with the gift of human life, for which we each have a duty of stewardship. The complementary principles of totality and integrity provide moral guidance for decisions on whether specific acts are consistent with this obligation. Totality directs that anatomical completeness must not be sacrificed without proportional justification. Integrity focuses on maintaining basic human capacities and provides a hierarchical ordering of higher functions over lower functions for use in decision making. The decisions of secular American (...)
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  17.  36
    Irigarayan Ontology and the Possibilities of Sexual Difference.James Sares - 2022 - In Ruthanne Crapo Kim, Yvette Russell & Brenda Sharp (eds.), Horizons of Difference. Albany, NY, USA: The State University of New York. pp. 117–136.
    This chapter provides an account of sexual ontology, grounded in and responsive to Irigaray’s philosophy, that focuses on the question of possibility. I first consider possibility in terms of the ontological negativity of sexuate beings, whereby one sex or sexuate morphology does not exhaust all that that kind of being is or can be. Second, I consider how sexual difference, as a relational structure of being, engenders possibilities for sexuate beings to develop as irreducible individuals. With particular focus on the (...)
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  18.  4
    Beyond the Neuter Universal: Hegel and Sexual Difference.James Sares - forthcoming - Hegel Bulletin:1-24.
    Hegel is a complicated figure for considering the philosophical significance of sexual difference. On the one hand, he grants an essential place for sexual difference in his analyses of nature and spirit. On the other hand, he treats the telos of sexual difference as a kind of sexual indifferentiation. For Hegel, both life and spirit depend on sexual difference but as something to be sublated, that is, preserved but only in so far as it is negated for a higher truth (...)
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    Interview with physicist Christopher Fuchs.Robert P. Crease & James Sares - 2021 - Continental Philosophy Review 54 (4):541-561.
    QBism is an interpretation of quantum mechanics that posits quantum probabilities as subjective Bayesian probabilities, whence its name. By avoiding experientially unfulfilled speculations about what exists prior to measurement, QBism seems to make a close encounter with the phenomenological method. What follows is an interview with QBism’s founder and principal champion, the physicist Christopher Fuchs.
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  20. Remarks on Some Books Lately Publish'd Viz. [Mr.] Basnage's History of the Jews. [Mr.] Whiston's Eight Sermons. [Mr.] Lock's Paraphrase and Notes on St. Paul's Epistles. [Mr.] le Clerc's Bibliotheque Choisie.Robert Jenkin, Richard Sare & B. W. - 1709 - Printed by W.B. For Richard Sare ..
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    Hegel and the Paradox of Presence.James Sares - 2023 - Hegel Bulletin:1–21.
    This essay evaluates Hegel's claim that the phenomenon of time exhibits a quantitative logic in the context of a paradox concerning temporal presence. On the one hand, in time, the present always is. It seems that the very nature of time, assuming that it is really passing, requires us to assent to the continuous being of the present. If time is always passing, there must always be a present when the passing actually occurs and thus when beings actually exist. On (...)
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  22.  37
    The Ontological Negativity of Sexual Difference.James Sares - 2023 - In Mary C. Rawlinson & James Sares (eds.), What Is Sexual Difference?: Thinking with Irigaray. New York: Columbia University Press. pp. 17-38.
    This chapter develops an argument for the ontological significance of sexual difference through Irigaray’s account of “the negative.” Reading Irigaray with Hegel’s logical analysis of finitude as a negative self-reference, or in terms of the dependence of identity on difference, I consider how this ontological negativity functions in two senses: first, in terms of a generational negativity, whereby sexuate beings rely on this difference as their own copulative condition of possibility; and second, in terms of a more general negative self-relation (...)
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  23.  34
    What Is Sexual Difference?: Thinking with Irigaray.Mary C. Rawlinson & James Sares (eds.) - 2023 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    Luce Irigaray has written that “sexual difference is one of the major philosophical issues, if not the issue, of our age.” Spanning metaphysics, phenomenology, and psychoanalysis, her work examines how sexual difference structures being and subjectivity, organizes our experience of the world, and affects the images and discourses involved in knowledge production and practical action. No other philosopher has paid such careful attention to the consequences of the elision of sexual difference in philosophical thought. However, at a time when notions (...)
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  24.  51
    Intimations of William Blake in On Beauty (2005).R. Victoria Arana - 2012 - Journal of Philosophy: A Cross-Disciplinary Inquiry 7 (17):1-10.
    William Blake and Zadie Smith reached strikingly similar critical positions towards philosophical trends current in their respective eras. Both excoriate those who, for selfish ends, disparage beauty and in so doing sabotage justice, love, joy and genuine freedom. Smith’s On Beauty, like Blake’s America: A Prophecy and Visions of the Daughters of Albion, indicts the reprehensible intellectual discourses of the day that undermine human happiness and corrupt the social order. Whereas Blake critiqued the rights revolutions set in motion by Thomas (...)
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  25.  22
    Saree Makdisi. Reading William Blake. Cambridge, Mass.: Cambridge University Press, 2015. 137 pp. [REVIEW]Nelson Hilton - 2017 - Critical Inquiry 43 (3):757-758.
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  26.  18
    When sarees speak: Saree pacts and social media narratives.Arti Sandhu - 2022 - Feminist Theory 23 (3):386-406.
    Through an ethnographic study of online saree pacts and social media groups, this article charts the emergence of digital saree storytelling as women from India and the global South Asian diaspora post stories about their personal and professional lives while also talking about their sarees. The article examines how saree stories are told and consumed in these online spaces, and the role new media plays in encouraging individual and collective self-expression through fashion. In doing so, it highlights (...)
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  27.  30
    Al-Ṭabarī’s Kitāb Marātib al-ʿUlamāʾ and the Significance of Biographical Works Devoted to ‘the Classes of Jurists’.Devin Stewart - 2013 - Der Islam: Journal of the History and Culture of the Middle East 90 (2):347-375.
    : While Abū Jaʿfar Muḥammad b. Jarīr al-Ṭabarī is known to posterity primarily as a historian and commentator on the Qurʾan, his most creative work may have been in the law, and Ibn al-Nadim places his main entry on al-Ṭabarī in Book VI of the Fihrist, on law. Unfortunately, most of his legal works have been lost. Building on and revising George Makdisi’s analysis of the relationship between the ṭabaqāt genre and the theoretical justification of the legal madhhabs, this (...)
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  28.  15
    Farmers' definitions, goals, and bottlenecks of sustainable agriculture in the North-Central Region.Christoffel Biggelaar & Murari Suvedi - 2000 - Agriculture and Human Values 17 (4):347-358.
    Since its inception in 1988, the SAREprogram has sponsored hundreds of projects to exploreand apply economically viable, environmentally sound,and socially acceptable farming systems. Recognizingthat researchers often collaborated with producers andthat producer interest in sustainable agriculture wasincreasing, SARE's North-Central Region began directlyfunding farmers and ranchers in 1992 to test their ownideas on sustainable agriculture. The present articleis based on data from the formative evaluation of thefirst five years (1992 to 1996) of the NCR-SAREProducer Grant Program. The evaluation used acombination of mail (...)
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  29.  40
    Farmers' definitions, goals, and bottlenecks of sustainable agriculture in the North-Central Region.Christoffel den Biggelaar & Murari Suvedi - 2000 - Agriculture and Human Values 17 (4):347-358.
    Since its inception in 1988, the SAREprogram has sponsored hundreds of projects to exploreand apply economically viable, environmentally sound,and socially acceptable farming systems. Recognizingthat researchers often collaborated with producers andthat producer interest in sustainable agriculture wasincreasing, SARE's North-Central Region began directlyfunding farmers and ranchers in 1992 to test their ownideas on sustainable agriculture. The present articleis based on data from the formative evaluation of thefirst five years (1992 to 1996) of the NCR-SAREProducer Grant Program. The evaluation used acombination of mail (...)
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    Eyyubiler Dönemi Siyasetnamelerinden Nasîhatü’l-Meliki’l-Eşref : Çeviri ve Değerlendirme.Mahmut Recep Keleş - 2019 - van İlahiyat Dergisi 7 (11):234-250.
    Ortaçağ İslam Dünyasında yöneten ve yönetilenler arasındaki bağı âlimler sağlamaktaydı. Sultan ve emirin halka adaletle muamele etmesini, Kuran-ı Kerim ve Sünnet-i Şerife göre yaşamasını ve toplumsal hayatı düzenlemesine yardımcı olurdu. Zaman içerisinde yöneticilerde görülen kusurların ortaya konulmasına yönelik çözüm önerileri sunan âlimler, eserler kaleme almaya başlamış ve bu eserlere siyasetname ve nasihatname denilmeye başlanmıştır. Bu eserlerden bazıları gayet hacimli olup sultana arz edilmekteydiler. Bazısı ise risale şeklinde ve daha kısa yazılarak toplumun huzurunu bozan veya toplumda çok acil çözülmesi gereken unsurları (...)
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    Historicising the Left in the Middle East: On Agency, Archives and Anti-capitalism.Sara Salem - 2017 - Historical Materialism 25 (4):230-240.
    This article is a review of Ilham Khuri-Makdisi’s bookThe Eastern Mediterranean and the Making of Global Capitalism, 1860–1914. I argue that this book is a valuable contribution to historiographies of the Left in the Middle East, a field that remains under-represented given the importance of labour to the nationalist movements as well as broader worker-activism in the region throughout the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. I review the main debates of the book, and raise critical questions about aspects that could (...)
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  32. Logik, rätt och moral.Manfred Moritz & Sören Halldén (eds.) - 1969 - Lund,: Studentlitteratur.
    Marx und die "bürgerliche" Nationalökonomie, von G. Aspelin.--Några textkritiska problem i Berkeleyforskningen, av B. Belfrage.--Några kommentarer till C.L. Stevensons teori om etisk oenighet, av L. Befgström.--Viljeteorins premisser, av J. Evers.--Axel Hägerströms analys av värdeupplevelsen, av L. Fröström.--On archetypical performatives, by M. Furberg.--The better something is, the worse its absence, by S. Halldén.--Ett slags representationsteorem för deontisk logik, av B. Hansson.--Om Platons "Euthyphron," av I. Hedenius.--Tolkningssatsernas logik, av G. Hermerén.--Är verkligheten motsägande? Ett dialektiskt argument, av K. Marc-Wogau.--Moral, amoral og indifferens, av (...)
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    Politieke betrokkenheid en activiteit in Nederland 1973-1986.Peter Castenmiller & Paul Dekker - 1989 - Res Publica 31 (1):95-110.
    In 1985 Cleymans showed in this journal that politica! participation in Belgium did not differ much from what was found in international research in other European countries. In this article some pieces of "conventional wisdom" in the international literature about structure and selectivity of political participation are questioned with Dutch data. Furthermore, information about participation in the Netherlands is important in itself. As neighbouring countries with close connections and interrelated histories, Belgium and Holland certainly deserve more attention as objects for (...)
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  34. Hegel’s System and the Necessity and Intelligibility of Evil, Part II.S. J. W. L. Lacroix - 1971 - Idealistic Studies 1 (2):102-119.
    Hegel’s basic position so far on the various meanings of evil as necessary and thereby intelligible directly in the development of spirit might be summed up as follows. Evil is always a necessary moment of instability which gives impetus in the movement from various meanings of particularity to various meanings of universality; from the more abstract expression of potential unity and truth to the more actualized notion and unity.
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    Philosophy's Second Revolution: Early and Recent Analytic Philosophy.David S. Clarke - 1997 - Open Court Publishing Company.
    Clarke proposes a conception of philosophy that provides an alternative to the reductions of materialism and the search for normative principles. Philosophy's proper role is to describe similarities and differences among differing levels of language, specifically the familiar level of discourse within an ordinary language shared by all and the specialized discourses of social institutions such as science, law, and the arts. By constructing a logical framework in which these comparisons and contrasts can be made, philosophy performs the indispensable role (...)
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  36. Makers and heirs of the Enlightenment. The Cambridge Platonists mirrored by Joseph de Maistre / Philippe Barthelet ; Maistre's Rousseaus / Carolina Armenteros ; Two great enemies of the Enlightenment : Joseph de Maistre and Schopenhauer.Yannis Constantinidès - 2011 - In Carolina Armenteros & Richard Lebrun (eds.), Joseph de Maistre and the legacy of Enlightenment. Oxford: Voltaire Foundation.
  37. Eva Lundgren-Oothlin, Sex and Existence: Simone de Beauvoir's' The Second Sex'.S. G. Horton - forthcoming - Radical Philosophy.
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  38. Hē syneidētopoiēsē tou Hellēnismou hōs "Nitseïsmos", ta periodika "Technē" kai "Dionysos": meletē.Dēmētrēs N. Lamprellēs - 1993 - [Greece]: Ekdoseis Neas Poreias.
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  39. A New View of Sri Sankara's Refutations of the Vaisesika, Bauddha and Sarikhya Schools and Its Implications.S. Sankaranarayanan - 1997 - In V. Venkatachalam (ed.), Śaṅkarācārya: the ship of enlightenment. New Delhi: Sahitya Akademi. pp. 24.
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  40. Christianity and Pragmatism in the Educational Philosophy of Age: Earl S. Johnson (1894-).S. Samuel Shermis - 1982 - Journal of Thought 17 (3):83-107.
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  41. N.A. Berdi︠a︡ev i sovremennostʹ: materialy nauchnoĭ konferent︠s︡ii, Ulan-Udė, 15 apreli︠a︡ 2009 g.D. Sh T︠S︡yrendorzhieva (ed.) - 2009 - Ulan-Udė: Izdatelʹstvo Buri︠a︡tskogo gosuniversiteta.
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  42. Poni︠a︡tie gumanizma: frant︠s︡uzskiĭ i russkiĭ opyt = La notion d'humanisme: expérience russe et française.S. Zenkin (ed.) - 2006 - Moskva: RGGU.
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    The Cratylus: Plato's Critique of Naming.Timothy M. S. Baxter (ed.) - 1992 - New York: E.J. Brill.
    This book aims to give a coherent interpretation of the whole dialogue, paying particular attention to these etymologies.The book discusses the rival theories ...
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    Demarcating Nature, Defining Ecology: Creating a Rationale for the Study of Nature’s “Primitive Conditions”.S. Andrew Inkpen - 2017 - Perspectives on Science 25 (3):355-392.
    The relationship of man himself to his environment is an inseparable part of ecology; for he also is an organism and other organisms are a part of his environment. Ecology, therefore, broadly conceived and rightly understood, instead of being an academic science merely, out of touch with humanistic interests, is really that part of every other biological science which brings it into immediate relation to human kind. The proper place of humans in ecological study has been a recurring issue for (...)
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  45. Geniĭ krivomyslii︠a︡: Rene Dekart i frant︠s︡uzskai︠a︡ slovesnostʹ Velikogo Veka.S. L. Fokin - 2023 - Moskva: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie.
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    Apo to atomo sto prosōpo: mia nea theōrēsē tou anthrōpou, tēs koinōnias kai tēs paideias.Michalakēs I. Maratheutēs - 2011 - Leukōsia: Ekdosē Homilou Pneumatikēs Ananeōseōs.
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    Presuppositions of India's Philosophies.S. K. Saksena - 1963 - Philosophy East and West 13 (3):265-268.
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    (1 other version)Concrete Critical Theory: Althusser’s Marxism.William S. Lewis - 2021 - Leiden, Netherlands: Brill.
    Taking an analytic and historical approach, this work develops and defends Althusserian critical theory. This theory, it is argued, produces knowledge of how a particular class of people, in a particular time, in a particular place, is dominated, oppressed, or exploited. Moreover, without relying on a general notion of human emancipation, concrete critical theory can suggest political means for the alleviation of these conditions. Because it puts Althusser’s ideas in dialogue with contemporary social science and philosophy, the book as a (...)
  49. Aspects of the relation between philosophy and esotericism in Moshe Idel's perspective.S. Frunza - 2005 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 2 (10).
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    In what follows, we shall bring out as clearly as possible these points of similarities that Moore's thinking on goodness have with phenomenological thinking on values.S. Moore - 2001 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 28:N0 - 2.
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